Saturday, August 13, 2011

Can you see how 2 party system is not implemented correctly, because of political self interest?they are after?

what ever increases and prolongs their power. The independents are closer to the people's interest, but they are seldom considered, and left out of debate or sought for advice. We in this generation have a 'one size fits all' press and media, all lazy and in the 'In crowd tail set! Independents are like the third step-child in the family that are more interested in getting whatever is left from their remaining parent and leaving the independent out of the equation, instead of caring for the aging parent (we the people) and doing the best to conserve and protect. The independents are so far trying to gain recognition and do what's right, but I can see them going sour as well when we the people are once again put to sleep by some future " Lazy Press" Nobody wants to do their job as igned anymore!

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