Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Who's sick of those "I wanna be a pro wrestler" questions?

Seriously you might think just because your a huge WWE fan that you want to become a wrestler well let me tell you some facts.If really want to become a pro wrestler im not talking WWE wrestler, i mean just a pro wrestler alone the road is long and tough.I live in Australia and i know afew local indy workers and they probably get around $20 dollars per show on a good day. Now I see alot of "im 6,4 200 pounds" well that don't mean anything,wrestling will test your love and pion for the business if you want to become one. My advice is to go to a local gym that you know has a wrestling ring as there are normally guys working out in the ring anyways,Don't go in with attitude or they will stiff you pretty hard but go in and have a open conversation about wrestling. Tell them that your are interested in training to become a pro wrestler. If there nice enough they will show you some basics and you will see if you actually have what it takes.

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