Monday, August 15, 2011

What can i do about my mom? :'/ please help?

Both your girlfriend and you can seek legal action against your mother. Your mother haring your girlfriend is a serious matter and the police can and should get involved. However, don't involve them until you have somewhere to live outside of your current situation. What your mom is doing to you is severe emotional abuse and you can make a case for emancipation. Only do this is you have a supportive household to move into. Lots of kids think they can financially support themselves, but it's unrealistic at this age. If you move out of the house w/ no support, chances are you'll end up at a group home or foster care. It's really hard to get on your feet financially and maintain schoolwork through high school, let alone college. The best bet is to talk with your aunt. She supports you and she may be able to provide options for a better living situation for you. No one deserves to live in an abusive household.

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