Sunday, August 14, 2011

The Great Gatsby question?

I'd say so. He is constantly thinking back to how he and Daisy were together before the war and was intent on eventually remarrying her and repeating the past that he has his mind set on running off with Daisy and living happily ever after. The fact of the matter is, Daisy is married and has a child, and he is asking for far too much. This all comes to a head when Gatsby confronts Tom in the hotel and insists that Daisy tell Tom that she never loved him only loves Gatsby. Of course, Daisy has feelings for Tom now and can't go through with Gatsby's request. I also don't think Gatsby is aware of what is really going on, as he seems to be placing Daisy on a pedestal and doesn't realize that she is not the perfect angel that he remembers her as, but rather a cold, selfish woman that lives only for thrills and money. Sorry if I rambled a bit, but I'm pretty tired as I type this!

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