Saturday, August 13, 2011

How do you sharpen a knife with a honing stone.?

I sharpen all my knives by hand and fastest way to jack up a good blade is to attempt to use an oil stone without proper direction. Do not do the circular motion thing as suggested. A blade held at 15 degrees will get you your initial edge to be followed by 10 degrees. when you draw the blade along the stone imagine you are trying to shave the stone as you would your face. A fine honed edge is nothing more than 2 polished surfaces coming to a point. And yes you definitely want to use a honing oil. Always use the same amount of strokes per side. I've never had to demonstrate or explain without being there. I really recommend going online and doing a search under knife sharpening for better instructions and maybe some helpful diagrams. Try to stay away from the really coarse grits unless this blade is so far gone that you have to put an entirely new edge on it. Then you might as well break out the flat files. Let's not even get started on that. Lastly try to find a sizable stone. Those dinky ones that came with those silly Rambo knives will do nothing but get you cut. Good Luck

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