Sunday, August 7, 2011

If The dutch -thugs- had won the world cup thank God they did not what would be the future cosequences?

Will the Dutch stop making excuses (the opponent was equally guilty, the ref was biased, we are just playing a defensive style, and so on...), and realize once and for all that this team they have is a disgrace for football ? You guys went from having the most liked football national selection in the world to the most hated now. Are you even aware that most neutral fans are DELIGHTED just to see that your team didn't win ? Don't you see what is the common point between the three last most disgraceful World Cup games in history : Holland-Portugal 2006, Brazil-Holland 2010, and Spain-Holland 2010 ? I'll give you a hint : the same team played in all three of them. But yeah, it must be a coincidence...

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