Sunday, August 7, 2011

Should i just intentionally hurt her instead of being nice? Cause being the good guys just not workin out?

alright ive asked this before but didnt get many answers. good guys get NOTHING in the end, and end up being the friend of the girl while the in the corner screws her brains out then cheats on her after going out for a few months, therefore making the poor nice guy have to sit there and listen to her cry and talk about all the bad things he does to her and how he treats her like dirt. then has to try to comfort her and do the best he can to make her feel better. and then a week later u get to watch her go crawlinnn back to the jerk still wearing the bandaids u personally put on her heart. girls always say "i want a nice guy that'll treat me right" but then i see that same girl going out with a guy known to be an a** hole. he can be a total a** to her and she still is hooked. WHY IS THIS. they CRY because of these guys and still are infatuated with them. seriously...this suggests if i just went up to a girl i liked, threw a bow in her face, then laughed at her and made fun of her she'd go out with me (not really but cmon this is BS) please explain because apparently im not making the connection that hurting someone = them liking you in return. HORSE SH*T!

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