Friday, August 12, 2011

Electrolysis of water used to separate deuterium?

Using the ionization energy of hydrogen (13.54v) and deuterium (14.9v) wouldn't it be possible to separate deuterium and hydrogen this way. Because 13.54v in a gl of distilled water should separate the hydrogen from the oxygen and both will evaporate, whats left will be the heavy water because 1 in every 3600 units of regular water will be heavy water. Even better would be to apply 14.9v (if the hydrogen wouldn't separate) too so that the deuterium will separate from the oxygen both would evaporate down a tube and at the end p through nickel or platinum which would recombine the oxygen and deuterium forming the desired heavy water and some electricity to back into the system so it's a bit more efficient. I don't know but i could be completely wrong and look like an idiot but i guess its better to ask and know then stay an idiot.

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