Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I want to give a friend of mine a quilt for his graduation gift.?

We have been neighbors with a guy that will graduate next year. I am a pretty good seamstress and I would like to make him a quilt. Do you think that would be a good gift? I also do not know what colors to make it or what kind of fabric prints I should put on it. Should I make it a twin or just a lap blanket? Thank ahead of time for your help!

Skittles... its whats for breakfast?

Skittles only have one of the major food groups. (sugar) you forgot the other three, which are fat, harmful chemicals, and poison. I would suggest you also eat some french fries with the skittles, and wash it down with a diet coke for a complete balanced breakfast.

How much would it cost to have an exhaust fitted to my 1.6 mk6 zetec s?

and what kinda exhaust would u recommend and how much would it cost to have the alloys sprayed in different colour??

What game determines who goes to the superbowl?

The Steelers won last night and the Jets won tonight, so Jets and Steelers are playing in the superbowl??

This WQ is for People Who already Know What is Gonna Happend on Smack Down!?

Chavo, Remember edge is still facing undertaker at ss, He is still Heel. But we are seeing the real edge, Not the '' Baby I can't live without you edge'''.

Question about food in Thailand!!! 10 pts. given!!!?

Swissotel Nai Lert Park Bangkok- How much is the lunch and dinner there (on average or the price of the things on the menu)? If it makes things easier, it doesn't have to be the restaurant in the hotel it could be one nearby. I need the menu. Thanks.

Crochet Beanie for Hospital Kids?

Hi. Can someone please give me an easy crochet pattern to make beanies for the kids in hospital. I am a learner and need a simple easy to do pattern. Nothing fancy. Cheers.

I got a Hugh back yard but a don't have time to water or anything and i want to grow bamboo can some one help?

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Meghan McCain Hates her own father...I smell a Democrat in the McCains..?

Of coure she voted for Kerry. George Bush completly anhilated her father in the primaries in 00'. Remember how the Bush side came out right before the South Carolina primary and said that McCain had an illigitimate daughter with a black woman? Also, I guess you don't remember that McCain almost became Kerry VP. McCain almost switched to the Democratic side after the 2000 primaries. So, of course she voted for Kerry. Hell, McCain himself probably voted for Kerry.

Running shoes For Back-To-School ..?

Ok well I got Black and white puma's Last year.. but they're kinda old now .. So i was planning on Getting Jordans . Can you guys Show Me some Example's of Cute Jordans for girls .. in 8th grade.. =] Tnx.! Alsoo!.. ii Have uniform.. =S ..anytihn else ? just ask n i'll answer in the additional Details! .. Tnx alot! =]

What can I do to help my mom?

My mom is staying with us as she doesn't have anywhere else to go and she also takes care of my 18month old daughter during the day. The problem though is that she keeps on undermining and enervating me and our house rules. And if I do repremand her about certain things like saving on electircity etc during the day, her opinion is that My husband and I should stop playing pool so we wouldn't have to cut back on costs. My husband and I take one night a week to play pool for our region, btw we are at the top of the league, and we just feel that we need some time away from home as our privacy has been invaded since my mother moved in. We normally go and practise for two hours the day before a match so in total we are away from our kids for 4hrs every monday night, we normally leave at about 7 and two hours on a sunday evening. Also my mom says we should spend more quality time with the kids but ususally on weekends we do take them to parks and we often play ball games in the garden etc.

How screwed will I be if I take out $19,000 a year for college for four years (ALL private loans)?

Since your parents are kicking you out of the house, perhaps you can file for financial aid as an independent instead of a dependent and that way you will qualify for financial aid. To answer your question though, that is a LOT of money and not to mention interest will be added on to that.

Are there others here that remember Wally Hilgenberg?

I was saddened today to read that Wally Hilgenberg, #58 for the Minnesota Vikings back in the glory days of the 70's had died. I knew he had ALS but who knew he would be gone so quickly. He was a great guy, always had time for a kid looking for an autograph. His smile was infectious and he was our son's favorite Viking. Sad day.

Wrong Spouses SS# on 2006, 2007 & 2008 tax returns & 401k contributions?

So, using Turbo Tax since creation and rolling everything forward electronically from year to year. Apparently had a typo in Spouse's (who is self employed) SS# rolling into 2006 through 2008, and have used the Tax return as the reference for SS# when opening Simple 401-k, etc. Does this require amending all returns in order to 1) get social security payments posted correctly, and 2) for corrected filing (thus, open to audit starting from date of correction) or is there an easier way that does not toll the statute of limitations for audit purposes?

Rate my madden offense?

Why would you trade merriman and LT... put LT in the SLOT if you love ping so much or just do dump offs with him... there are too many recievers out there to trade those guys

Biology question- not making sense?

mRNA goes to the ribosome so that a protein can be made from the information embedded in it. tRNA is what brings the proper amino acids to the ribosome. tRNA need to bind to the mRNA so that the amino acids get put in the proper place... so the tRNA anti-codon is going to be complementary to the mRNA codon so you'd just base-pair again with complementary RNA nucleotides.

I dont understand this joke.....?

Well, the joke is that the reader is made to believe that she is seducing the gay guy! Pretty funny I must say, it made me giggle!!!.

Did Qur'an describe about Big Bang and Big Crunch?

check this website below for proofs..for those who argue that the bible has said this and that,this person do not know the bible.hah! see! old testament??????? some people think that they can change the words of God !the old testament is what we Muslim called Injeel and the Quran is a continuum of what Allah has said and foreshadows for the coming years!

Emo or not?!?

well i go 2 a supr prep. school. but....sum of my frnds thnk i always act depressed and emo. i dont rlly ... feel emo. but i know im not as crazy a prep as them. but i listen to bands like Sixx:A.M., Tokio Hotel, Flyleaf, Paramore, MCR, ect. i mean i shop at hot topic, music is my absolute LIFE. .... i dont know. I mean my frnds say my style is 1/2 emo/ 1/2 prep. it all depends on....stuff. i mean personally i feel like my life sux. but id rathr not go into those details sucks. but watevr. i just wanna knw if i actually like went thru with the socially suicide at my school. (since its a screwed up prep school) wuld i b considered a poser?

Is angela penbrook's rebate program real?

I keep getting this email to do rebates from home and I finally decided to read it...well of couse they are asking for money for this venture but I don't want to pay for a too many other obligations for that...anyone who can respond by all means do so

Why do some use Gandhi's favorite saying, 'I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians?

He is saying that the Christians he has met are not nice people and are hypocrites. Even though he finds some value in the teachings of christianity, he doesn't see people who say that they are believers, are actually followers of the teachings. He already rejected christianity, but it would be ok for others to believe in, only if they didn't contaminate or pervert the original teachings. It's those Christians themselves, who make Christianity look so ugly, that others would have to reject it because of those hypocrites.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Why are the same blood group represented by different allels?

If a male is blood group B, what would his genotype be? If a women was also blood group B, what would her genotype be??

I see alot of Blacks ask why we hate on Ourselves....Here is why..?

i don't get it.... i personally think black people hate isse other because they just elffish and cant let go or it is engraved in there bloods

Is 160 days a long time for...?

Is about 160 days a long time to see someone? Lke someone u lke.. Not that were dating but i just mean a long time as in til yu get to hang out withthem again....Weird question iknow but i was just wonderingg.

Help with more physics?

A source of light illuminates a surface 8 meters away with an intensity of 14 watts/meter^2. what would the intensity be at 3 meters

Help with an AIM trick?

I've seen it where, people have it so when you look at there buddy info, you see your SN, and if someone else does, they see their SN, How do you do this?

What events take place during mitosis?

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Want to Clarify the situation with

I have received some response to my previous question. I am trying to flush him out because he posed as a seller of certain items on ebay and through this I did not recieve my items and lost money in the transaction. I have tried to contact him through multiple e-mail addresses and I am trying to rectify the situation. I am not slandering as one response stated. I want answers and will do whatever it takes to get them so that this does not happen to anyone else!

Im a dude and my best freind just tryed to kiss me (another dude)?

i was walkin home from my bus with best freind(a guy and im a guy) and he just like started kissin me and i like freeked out i pushed him on the ground and practicly ran home i dont no how to aproach him or even if i should aproach him and the weird thing is i didnt even no he was gay so is it like a sudden thing that just happened or should i just forget about him and not be freinds oh and im not gay trust me i posted another question about the girl i like just before this happen from my phone.

Obama supporters, could you please explain how "trickle up" prosperity works?

osmar binlardin new he would never beat the usa with bombs and planes,so he thought a better way would be to but a sleeper in,get him high up in goverment,and one day be leader of the free world,and desmantal the usa a day at a time ,and bring down the usa that way,that man to do it is Barack Obama


well at the market place, thats where hester finds out that Chillingworth is going to go with hester and DImmesdale to Great Britain. The captain of the ship informs Hester that Chillingsworth also signed on to go with them on their journey where they planned on escaping New ENgland. The market place is also where *SPOLIER* DImmesdale confesses his sin of adultery . hope that sorta helps :)

Who's sick of those "I wanna be a pro wrestler" questions?

Seriously you might think just because your a huge WWE fan that you want to become a wrestler well let me tell you some facts.If really want to become a pro wrestler im not talking WWE wrestler, i mean just a pro wrestler alone the road is long and tough.I live in Australia and i know afew local indy workers and they probably get around $20 dollars per show on a good day. Now I see alot of "im 6,4 200 pounds" well that don't mean anything,wrestling will test your love and pion for the business if you want to become one. My advice is to go to a local gym that you know has a wrestling ring as there are normally guys working out in the ring anyways,Don't go in with attitude or they will stiff you pretty hard but go in and have a open conversation about wrestling. Tell them that your are interested in training to become a pro wrestler. If there nice enough they will show you some basics and you will see if you actually have what it takes.

Quien tiene mejor escuelas de futbol U.S.A or Mexico?

although i agree with the fact that mexico produces better players in their academy. The US has a different way of scouting talent. They have their crappy draft who nobody usually pays attention to. They pick up players from universities. They also have acadamies like here in LA Chivas USA but you have to cash in some big bucks to have somebody play there.

Oakland! What are you known for?

I'm doing a project on Oakland, California and want to know more about it. What makes Oakland famous? What is it known for? Does it have a motto (you know, like NYC is the "Big Apple")?

Allstate 400 at Indy?

I am going to the Allstate 400 at Indy this year. I had seats in the past in the NW Vista, Tower and Pit Road Terraces, but this is my 1st time in the SW Vista ( I got tickets free this year)...anyone seen the race from this location and how is the view? I am in row JJ sec.19 at/near the top row

Boyd to Birmingham could still be on.?

It's possible, nothing is certain until the transfer window closes. If he goes, he'll be missed, but the 'Gers have lost much better players than Boydy before and survived. It's not the end of the world you know.

Catholics: Do you believe that catholicism is what the early Christians believed......?

Did the early Christians (that were before Constantine made Christianity widely accepted in the Roman world) believe the majority of Catholic beliefs? Did they believe in purgatory, the pope, asking the saints to pray for them, confession, the literal blood and body of Jesus in communion, infant baptism, the extra books in the Catholic Bible, and other things distinctly Catholic? When Christians were underground from Roman persecution and only years away from Jesus's ascension to Heaven were they Catholic? Did they believe these Catholic beliefs? Or was this more a by-product of Christianity being Romanized by Constantine? Would these early Christians worship resemble more the Catholic style or Protestant style? NOTE: This is not to bash on Catholics! I am just curious. I have respect for Catholics but I do think a lot of their current practices came with the Romanization of Christianity more than teachings ped from Jesus to the disciples to early Christians.

What do you think of this teenager bedroom idea?

Hey, the bed looks awsome, the carpet would have to be a light lavender though, the walls could be a creamy colour, and the curtains (etc) could be a dark purple mabye? That's what I think any way :D

Could I have a quick n'easy recipe for scones, please?

I just saw a recipe for this, but I can't remember where. Go to and search though.. everything I could ever imagine has been on there.

How to copy address in Tally?

Sometimes we have two parties in the same premise and now we have to type the same address twice while creating or editing ledger of the parties in Tally. Is there any way in Tally we can simply copy address of previous party and past it in the other ledger party a/c?

Gossip Girl 14-15?

When will gossip girls episodes 14: The blair ***** project and episode 15: desperately seeking serena air again? I missed both of them and really want to see them before the next episode comes out. or if there is anywhere i can watch them on the computer in FULL that works too. CW doesnt have them.

Looking for truly gory-won't sleep for a week-nailbiting scary authors?

right now i am reading richard laymon's books. i only have 2 more books to go and am looking for similar authors, if not scarier. i am not a fan of stephen king or dean koontz, so please do not suggest them. a friend told me that clive barker is very scary and gory. please give authors, and book titles if you can, but do not spoil the book!

Yahoo sind me this?

Don't spend all your winnings at once whatever you do - and why did you waste so much time copying that lot when a single sentence would have served the same purpose ! ! !

What was your CM from 1dpo leading to your BFP!!?

There isn't really a way to know for sure. women's bodies are different. plus you will probably not notice anything til after implantation. So good luck :)

Monday, August 15, 2011

If a girl is into witchcraft and hypnotizing people, why is it wrong to call her a witch?

Well sounds a bit odd that she does that.Also, it doesn't mean she is a witch; It just means she does spells and tries to hypnotise people. There isn't anything "wrong" with calling her it as in being mean but it may not be true so you shouldn't just go round labelling people. Lots of people seem to think being a witch is such a bad thing , so they would think it's being nasty about someone, and she may feel the same unless she actually identifies herself as a witch.

Why is the electoral college biased for the Democrats?

It is CLEARLY in favor of the Democrats (just like 90% of the mainstream media as well). why is this? You have blatantly obvious LIBERAL DEMOCRATIC states such as California (55 votes) and New York (31 votes) which each gets ridiculous amounts of votes compared to nearly ALL of middle America. Middle American states which tends to lean more in favor of Republicans only average about 3-4 votes per state.

Week 15 lineup help please!!!!!!!?

romo, jones, stewart, wayne, royal, and WARD...he is a beast when it comes to td's...if any PIT WR get a td, it will be hines ward

If the Antichrist is to bring peace doesn't that make him the good guy?

i hear so many people claim that the antichrist is the bad guy but yet he seems to me to be the good guy if he is to bring world peace for 7 years.

Placenta Previa, anyone else have it?

With my first ultrsound of this pregnancy it was discovered that I had placenta previa. I had another ultrasound about a month later and it looked like my uterus had moved away a little from the cervix so it went away. It didn't really affect me at the time I had it, but I'm glad it never became a big problem

Do yall believe in bigfoot? ?

me and my buddy darrell got hammered down by the river and i swear we saw him come walkin toward us lookin hungry as hell and my dog started to bark. we aint thinking hes a bear

I really need help figuring this worksheet out for my 7 year old.?

I need to guess each rule and write it down. i have 2 circles. in one circle (rule a) there is a diamond, square, and tzoid. the other circle (rule b) there is a pentagon, oval and triangle. in the middle of these 2 circles there is a rhombous and a rectangle. question 1 says guess rule a. question 2 says guess rule b. question 3 says draw 1 shape that fits both rules. question 4 says draw 1 shape that does not fit rule a or rule b.

How do i send the right message to her?

ask her a question bout what she likes and stuff..its a greaat convo starter and then further it like start it with whats ur favorite song then when she answers say like o what other songs do u like form tht artist and keep saying things and put in some extra ideas of ur own like opions

Do GOP supporters know Republicans only promised to vote on repealing the health care bill?

Of course. Why do you think they voted for them in the first place? These people thrive on empty gestures.

Does anyone know the name of this yaoi?

so for the most part i have not read this in a really long time so, my memory is very vague. from what i know the story is about two boys and one is really into this manga or anime. because one is infatuated by him he tries to understand the manga/ anime. i remember the end and they went a manga/anime convention. i think they have in the bathroom and make up or something.

Am I being unreasonable?

I'm intimidated by uppperclmen. I'm a freshman and I'm intimidated by sophmores, juniors, and seniors. They just freak me out! They scare me because they are older. I have a few upperclmen in my study hall, they always try to socialize with me but I always just move away. We have a new student that a sophmore, that likes me but I don't like her because she's a sophmore. Is that a good reason not to like someone? They hate me because I'm a freshman, I hate them because they are upperclmen. Am I being unfair? I mean they kind of started it with the freshman hazing.

Help my best freinds gay does she like me or not?

ok so heres the story i am a girl and i have a bestfreind hu recently told me she is no longer biual but a full on gay, whenever i have a boyfreind she calls them names and says why are u evn with them anyway, its that bad i think why bother il just stay single! is she jealous i dnt want 2 accuse her of liking me if she dosent! plus when she's drunk she always puts me on the spot and touches me i find it quite intimidating im a bi-ual myself she knows this, but i would never want 2 do anything with my best freind because she's my freind and it wouldnt feel rite i love her as a freind only dont want with her! i would only sleep with girls i have never met b4 or i dont know and wont have 2 see again! what can i say 2 my freind next time she try's it on with me?????

Should I turn my ipod touch off totally during the night?

When i go to bed should i completely turn my ipod touch off by holding the top on down, and then sliding the thing to off or should i just let the screen go black? also how can i conserve some battery so it does not die as quickly? thanks in advanced =]

Changing the number on scratch off lotto ticket?

we got a lotto ticket thats called cash word its a crossword one. if we changed one of the letters to an E from an F we would win at least 200. is this illegal? or possible? we were going to with a sharpie pen.

What do these signals from this girl mean?

Dude, you honestly need to grow up and get a life. I remember your first question i answered. You are so stupid, and your account needs to be deleted. This is some stupid game ur playing, and it's not funny, if you think it's SUPPOSED to be!

Anyone have any opinions and photos of Cafe Princess at Yonge/Finch?

I recently noticed a new pastry cafe around here, which I've noticed have been popping up here a lot lately, and I'm just curious about what it's like. Before actually visiting it, I'd like to know some of your opinions on it and if you have any photos they would be much appreciated.

Why did the gutless Yahoo Q and A Remove this question?

I think somewhere in the chain the Yahoo policy is not correct and some bad people are taking advantage of it contrary to the principle of free speech and fair debate. .

People always judge me by the way i dresssss?

kk so i dress in baggy clothing an alyssa have big headphones round my neck and now when ayone sees me they think im bad news .. just a few weeks ago a parent of my friends called my a hoolum and told they son not to hang with me and i was pissed...what do i do ( i dont wanna change my style cuz i lke it i just wanna be respected)

Saudi Arabian women pleasing men in public?

From what I hear from those who have been there nothing would surprise me. Look how lax things are in the states, and Amsterdam where they sit in windows topless to be chosen for service. Men from America travel the world to get from A to Z everywhere else. Don't get me started.

Favorite girl names of all time?

I really like a lot of names from your list. My favourites are Alayna, Ellen, Layla, Adalyn, Madeleine, Matilda, Alexandra, Noelle and Jasmine

Why are Sirius Black and Lupin thought of as lovers?

It's called shipping. Fans want to see two characters romantically involved, no matter how logical it might be. There were Harry and Ron shippers too. (I think I saw a Harry and Dobby one too..) There were Harry and Snape as well (despite them hating each other). It makes no sense and is just fan nonsense.

Know any good, sad songs about suicide?

I've already got "Hold On" by Good Charlotte. And "Whiskey Lullaby" by Brad Paisley and Allison Krauss. So, any good, sad, inspirational songs that you know? Or like, if you've ever been really depressed/sad... What song did you listen to to get you through? (I listened to "Wake Me Up When September Ends" by Green Day.) So, basically, sad songs are really what get me through. I'm having a really rough patch right now. Also, songs like "Your Guardian Angel" by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus are good. I don't know why but sweet songs like that really make me sad and happy at the same time. :) Please and thank you.

What can i do about my mom? :'/ please help?

Both your girlfriend and you can seek legal action against your mother. Your mother haring your girlfriend is a serious matter and the police can and should get involved. However, don't involve them until you have somewhere to live outside of your current situation. What your mom is doing to you is severe emotional abuse and you can make a case for emancipation. Only do this is you have a supportive household to move into. Lots of kids think they can financially support themselves, but it's unrealistic at this age. If you move out of the house w/ no support, chances are you'll end up at a group home or foster care. It's really hard to get on your feet financially and maintain schoolwork through high school, let alone college. The best bet is to talk with your aunt. She supports you and she may be able to provide options for a better living situation for you. No one deserves to live in an abusive household.

The United States is not a Christian Nation?

I believe you've confused the US with the Holy Roman Empire; it's okay, I do the same exact thing ALL the time. I'm sure you've read the Constitution and that little piece of paper added to it called the Bill of Rights. I mean, how could you make an intelligent argument to cling to your guns if you hadn't? Also, ha. Your militia better stand a chance against predator missiles if you want to make sure the 3rd Amendment isn't a load of garbage. But anyway, yeah, Constitution.

What does a Certified Veteran's Benefits yst get out of helping my mom fill out VA forms?

My father was a WWII veteran and ex-POW. He died a few years ago of old age. My mother is just now applying for surviving spouse benefits because she went to a seminar put on by a "Certified Veteran's Benefits yst". They help people for free to apply for VA benefits...WHY? What do they get out of it? A mailing list? How do they support a business doing free help? You sign forms allowing them access to all the info you tell the VA, because they are helping you fill out the forms. I'm suspicious. IS IS SAFE to use them? thanks.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Should I take care of my suede cowboy boots?

I got my first pair of cowboy boots for christmas and they are suede. I've already scuffed one and am wondering if I should try to keep them looking nice, or if I should just let the suede wear off down to the leather. I don't know how I will be able to keep these boots looking nice... Also, should I buy water proof spray for them?

Husband cheated 20yrs ago why cant i let it go and forget about this other woman?

my husband cheated on me 20 yrs ago. I never met the other woman and have thought I had gotten over the betrayal but for some unknown reason here lately I just can not get get this woman out of my head. I want to see her face and I want answers...why after all this time do I feel the need to have answers. why cant i just forget it and move on?

A dream where my car drives off a cliff?

The car represents the journey of life. Bridges connect where you were to where you are going. Your mother driving the car means your unconscious mind views your life as being directed by your mother. It views her influence on you as a negative, and that your future is bleak.

What is the best evidence that the earth spins on its axis is provided by?

2) is about as conclusive as you can get. It would even work if you have zero other reference points.

Peroid started feb 1st ended the 4th, wondering if i baby danced the right time.?

Okay peroid was Feb 1st ended the 4th. I baby danced 11th 13th and 15th. I am really hoping i nailed it but i am not looking forward to the wait to see if aunt flo comes or not? my cycle is 29 days, or 30 days.

Have you ever fed the hungry with the Word of God and seen a huge change in their faces?

Uh, no? Most people don't believe in that jive, and no amount of stuffing it down their throats is likely to alter their facial expression for the better.

What farewell + thank you present should I get for a male high school choir teacher?

I like naming a star, its personal,different&I think would make him feel honored that you thought he was worthy of the accolade. How lovely that you appreciate your teacher so much.

If Mohammed and Jesus don't see eye to eye, how are we supposed to see eye to eye?

Muhammad (pbuh) and Jesus (pbuh) see exactly eye to eye. They are both Prophets of God after all and have nothing but love and respect for one another.

Who will finally look into referee's helping the Steelers?

I'm not saying the Steelers would have lost in either Super Bowl they got help in, but it sure seems pretty obvious to me that they get A LOT of help from referee's. In todays game against Minnesota, the referee's called back a Viking TD because of tripping (there was no tripping on the play). Pittsburgh ended the drive by scoring their own TD on a fumble return. Late in the game the referee's called defensive delay of game on the Vikings to give Pittsburgh a first down as they were up by 3 and trying to put together a drive to run out the clock. Defensive delay of game? What? A defensive player faked a blitz and then moved back and that constitutes a penalty? I see it on almost every play.

Black stuff in gas from filter?

ok so im trying to fix a 02 bmw x5 3.0. it has random misfires in all cylinders. after a new crank shaft sensor and new plugs nothing has worked i check the fuel pressure 38 psi right were it should be. so i checked the fuel filter and the gas that came out had a black tint and had particules in it. i have pu fresh gas( 91 octane no ethanol) in it and will be changing the filter in a bit. my question is what would cause the gas to get dark and is there any thing els i should do be for start up?

What do you think of my poem?

It is rather good, the clash of emotions is very convincing that the poem is real. 4/5 I'm not really into this type of poem but I will say that it is very realistic.

Runescape sucks and ill tell you why and if you disagree tell me why?

i agree i was addicted to it like crazy i ditched school just to play it since like 2003 to 2006 and then i got xbox live and a skateboard so i skate with my friends and play xbox 360 with my friends instead of clicking one stupid on and if some ones gonna play an mmorpg at least play world or warcraft or something.

Wow, this band sucks...?

You arrive at an awesome rock show and you are ready to have some head banging, guitar shredding fun. The first few bands have rocked and its time for the headliner. The band comes out. They have seven guitarists, two drummers, a bist who looks like he's ready to kill and a singer who you've heard has a voice that rivals that of God himself. You are stoked. The crowd is fired up as the band begins playing. Turns out, all they're playing is very much non-rocking tunes from Disney's Mulan. You are pissed. Something must be thrown at them. What do you throw?

Kofi Kinsgton....?

i kno alot of you say that he reminds you of carlito, but i think he is more of a mixture of Carlito/Booker T

I need a cool/unique username?

My name is Cheyenne Hoover, my nickname is shine/shiny, I am in choir, I love music. I'm not sure what else to add. I don't like numbers in it.

Question about water bill?

Test for water running by turning off all consumption in your home. If the meter still moves after you have done so it means that you have a pipe leaking somewhere. The cost to redo the entire is expensive. What you can try to do is to have a qualified plumber lay new piping (above ground) leading to your tap off points, ie, water tanks and main taps. Main Taps are those which get water supply direct from the Mains. Secondary Taps get the water supply from the Water Tank. This should solve your problem. It is also possible that the meter is faulty and for this you have to get the relevant authority to come test and maybe change the meter as well.

Can an alcoholic beverage be made with SALT WATER?

I'm sure it wouldn't taste good, and that doesn't matter (I'm writing a book)- I'd just like to know, from a strictly chemical standpoint, is it possible to make ethanol (alcohol) by way of fermentation and distillation using salt water instead of non-salt water? Again, taste and practicality don't matter. Just that it is scientifically possible and the result is something alcoholic and drinkable. Thanks.

Nintendo ds game store, has anyone used this online shop?

I want to buy my daughter some games for her ds lite, this store sells 92 in 1 game cards etc. I am a little wary about buying them, especially online. Has anyone used these game cards or bought any games from this store? I don't want to be scammed as some of the games cards are �50 and I can't afford to lose that sort of money. The write ups on the store website are great but you never know if they are true. Any advice/experiences would be appreciated, especially from anyone who has used the store. The address is Thanks :)

Am I going into menopause?

im 41 and have always climaxed easy my whole life, now all of a sudden, i cant during and is difficult if I try myself. When i do its very short and i feel slight pain on my left side, dont have an ovary there it was removed. I still have the right one, what could be causing this, driving me crazy!! Wondering if im going into menapause?

The Great Gatsby question?

I'd say so. He is constantly thinking back to how he and Daisy were together before the war and was intent on eventually remarrying her and repeating the past that he has his mind set on running off with Daisy and living happily ever after. The fact of the matter is, Daisy is married and has a child, and he is asking for far too much. This all comes to a head when Gatsby confronts Tom in the hotel and insists that Daisy tell Tom that she never loved him only loves Gatsby. Of course, Daisy has feelings for Tom now and can't go through with Gatsby's request. I also don't think Gatsby is aware of what is really going on, as he seems to be placing Daisy on a pedestal and doesn't realize that she is not the perfect angel that he remembers her as, but rather a cold, selfish woman that lives only for thrills and money. Sorry if I rambled a bit, but I'm pretty tired as I type this!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

What type of statistical test should i use?

50 males and 50 females were asked would they vote for a selected political party, yes or no? Is this paired groups or unpaired groups as i am unsure what test to ask was thinking along the lines of fishers test or McNemar's test, any help would be appreciated, thanks

Something About Green Day?

So, My best friend is a HUGE green day fan. She tryed to get me to listen to them a while back, but i didnt take to them, now i lke them enough to learn their backround and their names and who plays what, where they camefrom and how they started. Thank you so much.

Clarify where each of the constants in the formula shown under the description for OID

clarify where each of the constants in the formula shown under the description for OID etherStatsOctets in the RMON MIB comes from and discuss the changes (if any) that should be made for the various forms of Ethernet currently in widespread use.

Can I pay an employee 1/2 their salary by payroll check & 1/2 by accounts payable check?

No you cannot do that. The form W2 must show all wages. No payments should be made through AP. Except expense reimbursements, which could be made through payroll also but are allowed to be made through AP. Many other agencies rely on payroll data for example the state unemployment department. You will also get in trouble with the IRS. There are specific rules governing this very thing.

Wanting to buy a new pc case.. can someone help?

I have the PEGATRON CORPORATION VIOLET3 5.00 motherboard, and I'm wanting to buy a new case. would any atx case work?

Where can i download Ella Fitzgerald Discography?

I am looking to download the ella fitzgerald discography, any legitimate places that you can show to me?

Poll: Which is your favourite artist among Elton John, Justin Bieber, Lady Gaga, Michael Jackson, Rihanna ?

Michael Jackson has always been my number one favorite. My second favorite is Elton John. Third would have to be Lady Gaga, because she actually can sing, unlike 99% of the artists on the radio these days.

Samsung BlackJack ll Cell Phone Charger?!?

I'm wanting to know where would be the cheapest place to find a car charger for my BlackJack ll i617. Anybody know?!

BJ Penn vs. Diego Sanchez...who wins & why?

It seems like everytime BJ fights its his toughest challenger yet. Kenny Florian has come a long way from being the skinny little nobody on TUF 1. But like I always said about him, he can dominate almost anyone in his weight cl, but he always chokes on the big stage. He proved me right for the 3rd time. Now comes Diego, who interestingly beat Kenny to win TUF 1. He too has come a long way & improved greatly. And him & Kenny fought at middleweight in TUF. Thats 30 lbs difference. So heres what to consider in this fight I think. Diego has great takedowns & great ground & pound, but BJ has some of the best takedown defense in MMA. And if it were to go to the ground BJ's BJJ far outcles Diegos. So Diego could be in trouble even if it goes to the ground. On the feet, again, even though Diego has become a very good striker, BJ has an edge in boxing as well. And his chin is proven...when he does get punched. So thats 2 ways BJ has an edge in my opinion. That leaves cardio. Even though BJ has recently been doing more cardio & making a committment to being in the best shape possible, I still think Diego has a very good advantage in that area. So Diegos gameplan should be similar to Kenny's in that he should try to press the action & take BJ down. When hes on the ground he needs to stay active & avoid submissions. Tall order I know. Do I think he can pull it off? The answer is, no. He might have more success with takedowns than Florian had, but I see BJ being able to get back up or throwing a fast submission on. I dont think this fight will see rounds 4 or 5. But I do see a possible 3rd. BJ in the 3rd by triangle choke.

Can you see how 2 party system is not implemented correctly, because of political self interest?they are after?

what ever increases and prolongs their power. The independents are closer to the people's interest, but they are seldom considered, and left out of debate or sought for advice. We in this generation have a 'one size fits all' press and media, all lazy and in the 'In crowd tail set! Independents are like the third step-child in the family that are more interested in getting whatever is left from their remaining parent and leaving the independent out of the equation, instead of caring for the aging parent (we the people) and doing the best to conserve and protect. The independents are so far trying to gain recognition and do what's right, but I can see them going sour as well when we the people are once again put to sleep by some future " Lazy Press" Nobody wants to do their job as igned anymore!

Isn't it illegal to sell exotic animals in USA?

I keep seeing ads online for sugar gliders, pythons, alligators, scorpion, spiders, etc. I thought that was illegal.

Anyone travelling in bangkok solo in june?

i will be travelling to bangkok this june and was wondering if there is anyone else up there going solo around the same time?

I love the Dark vessel Fireplace from 'Next' but only need the shelf & bowl with pebbles. Any ideas?

I already have the open alcove so dont need the surround. Where can I get the shelf & pebble fire bowl?

Have you ever heared of this myth?

Girls with skin line around their necks usually don't get married or mostly end up with a bad relationship? the example given to me where Corina Sanchez, Kris Aquino, Janice De Belen and Mel Tianco... lol I'm intrigued because my friend has lines in her neck...

Who understands this torque problem. (torque and a pulley)?

The total weight of the system is (50 + 75 + 125) = 250 N. so the ceiling must be exerting a force of 250 N to support the system. Torque doesn't come into it.

Why the undercurrent of cynicism and anger in the Atheist?

I really don't mean to be a jerk asking this just seems to be a pattern I'm seeing. Why? Are there any happy, adjusted atheists who don't feel the need to be so sarcastic and cynical?

Fish oil pills clear up skin?

Fish oil is very good for health, Vitamin A capsule made from cod fish. and a lots of life saving drug made also from fish oil. so i think u will be benefited.

Can you help me with blackjack?

1-10 are the face values. King queen and jack are all ten. Ace is different because you get to choose what is worth, 1 or 11. You can also switch what it is worth for example if at first you want it to be 11 because you have Ace and a 4 and you hit but you get nine so you bust, but you can switch the ace's value. Please pick as best answer

Is it wrong for the TSA to...?

so i was waiting for my flight, and i got really bored so i went to walk around for a bit. saw the food court, a bit of gift shops when i had a great(in my mind) idea, i found a man quietly strolling along, he looked as if he had an iraqi descendant, and i thought to myself, "how can i make this funny and amusing?" so i followed him for a bit and when the moment was right i screamed " AL QUEDA! AL QUEDA! AL QUEDA! " while pointing at him, he looked at me with a confused face for a moment, when suddenly five TSA security guard simultaneously tackled him to the ground, i quietly walked away as my plane began to board. my question is if its ok for the TSA to do that?! willl i get in trouble for doing it?

Cooking of courgettes ? Urgent?

I am pan-frying sliced courgettes in olive oil and er. I have never done them before. Do they have to brown, or do they just have to be soft? Thanks in anticipation

Preparation of red meat for stews, curry, slow cook dishes etc?

Virtually all recipes tell you to fry the meat to seal in the juices before adding the liquid for a long slow cook. I find the meat stays small and firm when if it has been pre-fried. If I put the raw meat straight in the liquid it expands and is much more tender and just as tasty. Does this pre-frying to seal the meat really matter ??????

Why do republicans always thing everyone is against them, even their own party members?

What is more interesting is all the people who are watching this happen right in front of their face and think that these to knuckle heads are the right people for handling poor folks issues. Nothing could be more pathetic.

Help me with this Huge fantasy basketball trade PLEASE!!?

PULL THE TRIGGER. Wade and Bosh? That is absolutely sick! You will not only be the winner in this deal but you'll win in flying colors. Have you seen Wade's and Bosh's stats and fantasy ratings? OFF THE CHARTS. There should be no doubt about it. Yes tot his trade.

Is NH3 a good conductor of electricity in the liquid state?

Pure liquid ammonia is a very poor conductor. Ammonia is similar to water in that it is a poor conductor when pure but when dissolved salts are present, the conductivity increases greatly.

How do you sharpen a knife with a honing stone.?

I sharpen all my knives by hand and fastest way to jack up a good blade is to attempt to use an oil stone without proper direction. Do not do the circular motion thing as suggested. A blade held at 15 degrees will get you your initial edge to be followed by 10 degrees. when you draw the blade along the stone imagine you are trying to shave the stone as you would your face. A fine honed edge is nothing more than 2 polished surfaces coming to a point. And yes you definitely want to use a honing oil. Always use the same amount of strokes per side. I've never had to demonstrate or explain without being there. I really recommend going online and doing a search under knife sharpening for better instructions and maybe some helpful diagrams. Try to stay away from the really coarse grits unless this blade is so far gone that you have to put an entirely new edge on it. Then you might as well break out the flat files. Let's not even get started on that. Lastly try to find a sizable stone. Those dinky ones that came with those silly Rambo knives will do nothing but get you cut. Good Luck

Brain Teasers?

A man needs something specific for his house, so he goes to a hardware store to purchase it. When he asks the clerk the price, the clerk answers that "the price of one is fifty cents, the price of thirty is on dollar, and the price of one hundred forty-four is one dollar and fifty cents." What is the man buying?

Chem question?

describe the reactant rate for the following equation in three different ways: H2 (g) + Cl2 (g) -> 2HCL (g). How do you think the rate of consumption of H2 is related to the rate of production of HCl?

My boyfriend says I can't eat junkfood b/c its not y wen a girl eats it but he can eat it all he wants?!?!?

it sounds like hes giving you a complex by making those remarks,and your right popcorn is virtually fat free especially if its salted so i don't no where he got that be honest he comes across as a very selfish that was out of order eating the brownies you made for your nieces.i think you need to sit him down and talk to him because if he carrys on like that hes going to make you paranoid and you don't need some one like that in your life you deserve better

Having recently ped my lgv c test i am now taking my c+e. is it straightforward obtaining adr tanker work.?

i wish to get the best paid lgv job possible but would appreciate an honest reply as to any difficulties i might have for this line of driving and any tips for obtaining this work.ultimately i wish to be driving fuel tankers for the supermarkets or garages but any advice would be appreciated.

Is it true a Brit cannot enter the US if they have been arrested, but not charged?

so if a neighbour you didn't like was going to Florida on holiday, for a laugh you could anonymously phone the police and say they had a stash at their house, and later when they turned up in Miami they'd be put on the next flight home and lose their �1.5 grand holiday?

Is that true some evangelical christian pastors believe they can heal by the holy spirit?

how is that? why do many evangelical christians in USA claim the pastor when he prayed putting his hands over them, they were healed.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Do you think puma academy is a plagiarist?

Not really. Why? Is there something I should know? He seems like a decent guy, what has he plagiarised?

What do u call this hairstyle?

I call it a lump, but i dont know what other people call it. If you want it to look more bulgy then take the bangs and when you pull them back, push them forwards a little before you clip them to your head. This will make it more bulgy(although personally it just looks like you have a ball under your hair when people do that & it looks kinda funny but whatever) And yes it is fine for round-faced girls, because kelly clarkson has a round face and it looks good in the picture that u have there so yes. Hope I helped!

Online dating i want true love gf?

i want a girl friend. i mean for true love. my country is Sri looking someone who have white just really simple guy. i want very kind full girl.sweet,loving

Why did heath Ledger die?

People say he died while making the dark knight, and the joker role was to intense. I think thats BS!! Cause alot of acting is behind blue screen, and making a movie is nothing like seeing it. So i think people have a twisted view of how he died! What do you think?

Repainting a dresser, and what color paint goes best under pink and blue?

I would like to repaint a dresser for my children, finishing it off with their handprints and footprints in pink and blue paint. My question is what color would look good underneath the pink and blue? Any other tips on how to paint a dress are also welcome. Thanks!

My boyfriends dad found out that we had do you think that there parents will hate me now?

it was the night of the superbowl and we had while they were watching the game then the next day they found out that we had and im really scared to come face to face with them again and i think they hate me ....

I got a riddle, or more of a poem or joke...?

there once was a genie with a 12 ft pennie and he went to the girl next door. she thought it was a snake, hit it with a rake, now its only 1 ft four.

Is Mark Sanchez better than Tom Brady right now?

no hes not but he will be he only a young qb u know hes ganna be like a peyton manning but right now no i Guess u can say that because hes still in but there not but if it wasn't for the defense he wouldn't be in there

Chemistry Help - Solubility and boiling points?

Predict the relative boiling points of octane and 2,2,4-trimethyl-pentane. Provide reasoning. Also predict the solubility of the gas propane in liquid hexane, provide reasoning.

Does this girl like me more then just a friend?

she hangs out with me and we have lots of fun. she even invited me to go to china with her. but sometimes a things get brought up about her hanging out with other guys and stuff. like a guy wanting to go see a childs movie and she was the only one willing to go with him. or her hanging out with her roomates friends and drinking coke instead of bear while playing a drinking game. she has never asked me oh what should i do if i like him or any advice like that but if somehow another guy gets brought up she will automatically reinforce the fact he is just a friend?

Is there Everlong by Foo Fighters on Rockband 3 for PS3? if not is there anyway I can get it?

I'm not sure but if it isn't then for sure it will be a downloadable song. Just like with rockband I & II

Does anyone know a current issue in Bangladesh?

I need to write a four page essay on a specific third world country, and I was igned Bangladesh. I tried looking on the internet for a current issue but it only gave me arsenic in the water from 1998. Does anyone know a current issue that Bangladesh is facing? Drugs, Civil War, ect.

I also have a bad egr valve. can i handle this myself. or do i need a mechanic?

my check engine light revealed that i have either a dirty or bad egr valve. can i change this myself or do i need special tools. if i can do it myself can someone help me find it. im not very mechanicly inclined but im also not illiterate.

Hmm..Mixed Volleyball?

this is a puzzle, and i suck at puzzles. soorrry. why does it matter that the guys& chicks have to be alternating, though? that makes no sense

Let me rephrase this question about what a cop can and can't do. . .?

He didn't give you a ticket and your a kid... Even if you weren't doing anything wrong... don't blame the cop for doing his job...

What are some easy, good songs...?

Im trying to teach myself some songs on the piano. Right now I almost know Bella's Lullaby and Imagine. Does anyone know of some really good songs, that might also be easy to learn? Also, maybe where I can find free sheet music for them? Thanks.

Data Collection and Statistics for Experiment?

I was supposed to do an experiment and I came up with the idea of teaching an old dog vs a young dog how to fetch a ball. The thing is now that I think about it I can't think of any statistical tests to run on the data because I was just going to measure the total time it took each dog to learn. So my question is can anyone think of some other way of collecting the data and some statistical tests that I could use with that type of data?

How much and what to drink each day?

All the health websites say to drink OJ, Cranberry Juice, milk and 8 gles of water each day in order to get the correct number of vitamins and benefits. Is this correct? That's alot of liquid in one day.

Do you think that Eustace, a character in C.S. Lewis "Chronicles of Narnia", represents atheists?

I think Eustace, the white witch, and eventually Susan all represent a moving away from childhood fascination with magic and fantasy (which Lewis equates with spirituality). I disagree with Lewis' ociation of fascination with fantasy with spirituality. I think that cheapens spirituality and dampens fantasy. I consider true spirituality to be a life-long, objective search for "truth" and fantasy to be something like the most pure form of fun (literally, creating new worlds of imagination).

In the play Macbeth, do you think that acting the murders on stage enhances the dramatic appeal?

I know in greek tragedies the murders will happen off stage and someone will come in and tell the audience that a certain person has died, where as the death of Duncan, Macduff's family, Banquo and Macbeth all happen on stage in front of the audience.

With Stafford being out, should I bench Calvin Johnson?

always start ur studs, not having stafford hurts a tiny bit but shaun hill will get him the ball, +they will b e throwing from behind

Making a party dance mix, what songs should I add?

your missing, we like to party, by the vengboys - bad touch, by the bloodhound gang - beat the clock, by sparks - feels like i'm in love, by kelly marie - born to be alive, by patrick hernandez - wild west, by the escape club - cotton eye joe, by rednex - around the world, by daft punk - knock on wood, by amii stewart - heart of gl, by blondie. it feels like i'm in love.

What's the weather like in Sri Lanka right now?

Can anyone tell me how badly Sri Lanka is being hit by the monsoons. I'll be in Colombo from Saturday and then travelling around the country - how much rain/cloud can I expect? Will I see any sun?

Compare and contrast sea breeze circulation with a land breeze circulation?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

[For women] Why am I so cold and bitter?

Well, I’ve never had a girlfriend but I have actually tried in the past but with no luck. Every time I try to get close to a girl, the girls ends up hurting me before getting to the boyfriend/girlfriend stage. The last time I tried to pursue a girl, she led me on for a while, then one day told me she could never love someone like me, that I was a pathetic loser, etc, etc. After this I didn’t try to pursue any girl for 3 years. The girl before this one, we actually got to the point where we made out but after that I never saw her again (later found out she went off with another guy) before going any further. I am 21 now and I’m bitter, cynical, and generally do not have much trust with women due to my past. I’m funny, intelligent, witty, honest and have always been a gentleman with women. I enjoy playing guitar, reading, having a good laugh, working out. I guess jerks always do and always will get the girl. Any advice?

Electrolysis of water used to separate deuterium?

Using the ionization energy of hydrogen (13.54v) and deuterium (14.9v) wouldn't it be possible to separate deuterium and hydrogen this way. Because 13.54v in a gl of distilled water should separate the hydrogen from the oxygen and both will evaporate, whats left will be the heavy water because 1 in every 3600 units of regular water will be heavy water. Even better would be to apply 14.9v (if the hydrogen wouldn't separate) too so that the deuterium will separate from the oxygen both would evaporate down a tube and at the end p through nickel or platinum which would recombine the oxygen and deuterium forming the desired heavy water and some electricity to back into the system so it's a bit more efficient. I don't know but i could be completely wrong and look like an idiot but i guess its better to ask and know then stay an idiot.

How do you feel about Tracy McGrady being apart of the Knicks?

I love the idea. I'm glad they got him but i'm pissed that they got rid of Robinson. Hopefully the Knicks will win more games now. I wish Lebron would also join the Knicks but I have a feeling he would want to stay in Cleveland.

Should Inter keep Leonardo or sign a new manager and why?

Hes an amazing manager, he turned Inter around after Benitez left them in such a mess yet Benitez and lots of years of experience behind him and leonardo had key players out like walter samuel. Hes young and he has much to learn yet he knows how to do well in serie A. He was quite good I thought, with a really aged team at AC milan. Its rare for young managers to compete for top prizes well, only other good young manager I can think of is guardiola who competes at similar levels and pressures to Leonardo.

What percentage of people were Catholic during the 18th century in France?

Your records, statistics are absolutely correct. Prior to the French Revolution nearly everyone in France (and all through Europe) were Catholic.

How do you help someone who is hard to learn?

My mother is so PC illiterate she hasnt a clue how to order anything via internet or check her email. I have shown her a thousand times how to check email and it just seems like she has a defeatist attitude. Any suggestions how to keep your cool when showing someone how to use email a million times and they still dont get that when you click the paper clip your opening your attachment via email? How do you keep your cool? It drives me insane. I love my mother dearly but I cant stand her defeatist attitude about it.

What is the BNP's attitude to the monarchy?

If it is Britain first, monarch second, that could add a twist to the tale particularly following up how much the public have been outraged about MP's milking the system let alone a whole, almost unlimited family!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

What year did Harley guy stop waving at other bikers?

I started riding street bikes in 76 and everyone pretty much did the wave at everyone. Didn't ride street bikes between like 96 and 2002 and when I came back I noticed most Harley guys only do the wave to other Harley guys. I have a sport bike, a European dual sport and a barely street legal dirt bike and no matter what I'm riding, everyone waves except Harley guy. When did this start?

I'm DESPERATE... for an opinion!?

I like it- good job! The only line I have a problem with is #5: you could make it a little more abstract. It's kind of cliche as is. Otherwise, very nice! Keep writing!

Don't you just hate this?

When I'm at the mall I do hear people saying similar stuff about other people. And yes, I do hate it.

Hi I'm looking into taking up a martial art. I'm looking at Tai Chi Cuan or Hun Gar.?

However I want something that's more 4 a no rules apply/ street fight/ bar fight then a tourment/ show type martial art. I'm also in need of somthing that's easy on the back. (I've got a bad lower back so.....) I know Martial arts isn't about looking 4 a fight/ trouble. I find myself alone alot during the day and night and there's nothing I can do about it. So I'm looking into a real world app. self defence that I can use. I'm hopful about the Chung/ Gar but I'd love any and or all help in this matter. THANKS FOR READING AND HOPFULLY REPLYING =^-^=

I need a good quote or saying to put on a tshirt. Its a football tshirt.?

Ok so the team we're playing is Jack C. Hays High School. Their mascot is a Rebel. i need some suggestions for a shirt. They're our rival.

Provide a link to a 1065 Form?

The IRS has not issued that form yet for public release therefore it is only available within tax software and at that may be subject to revision. There are few changes if any of note so you can start with the 2009 form.*

Which dress would be appropriate for a wedding?

The first dress looks like you are a waitress wearing an apron. The second dress would be better for a garden party wedding.

This or that girl names?

Amaya, Brielle, Courtney, Delaney, Eva, Fiona, Georgina, Hallie, Isla, Jillian, Kennedy (idk why but I love this as a girl's name!), Lila, Monica, Natasha, Ophelia (love), Pamela, Qiana, Raquel, Stella (love), Tierany, Unity (love), Veronica, Wendy, Xylia, Yvonne, Zamyra

What do you think of this?

I like it. It's very interesting and catches the reader's attention. You need to go back and edit since I saw a couple of mistakes, but you should try to turn it into a book. I would read it. What will the title be? It's very good, it kind of sounds like the stories from Arabian Nights, like Sinbad the Sailor. Definitly make it into a book.

What is the maximum number of moderators a group can have?

The owner of a group may appoint other members to be owners/moderators. Each group can have a maximum of 15 owners/moderators.

Is there a news aggregator or RSS feed reader that can forward articles with keywords to an email address?

I am trying to find a news aggregator or RSS feed reader that I can put in one or more specific keywords and have articles forwarded to my email address. Is there any software that can do this? I would be interested in either freeware or one that needed a license.

I had unprotected last night, my period was due today but it hasnt came.. When can i take a pregnancy test?

So, i had unprotected last night. (I know it was stupid so please no lecturing.) My period was due today, Its usually on time but last time it was a week late. My question is.. 1) Is it likely that iam pregnant? I heard its least likely the day before but why is this? And im also aware you can get pregnant at any time during the cycle.. and 2) When can i take a urinal pregnancy test? Like, in a week or so? What?

Thinking about stop paying for road tax!!?

If stopped with no road tax or fined automatically by the DVLA or stopped for driving it when SORN you are just going to be prosecuted and fined and even have the car taken off you -pointless doing what you suggest as no one will care about your admittedly valid protest.

Cancelling my martial arts contract?

Basically i was going to this martial arts place for a few months then i thought it was a good option of i start to pay monthly rather than lessonly and also wanted to do kickboxing but they said you have to sign up to pay monthly for that, so as so i brang in my dad he signed the papers blah blah 2 months in i was rechecking the papers and his written down 36months contract. untill i can stop. So i went to speak to him thinking he had done a mistake, but then tells me thats what is signed to when i clearly dont remember siging up to this, and now the other problem is i dont find myself going because im finding my asthma is getting worse and iv had a knee injury(oscar schlatters) for a while which is getting worse, as i didnt take my doctors advice to quit any contact sports really, and im finding myself not going to as many lessons as i thought i would be going to, and at 90 pounds a month! its seeming to be pointless, cause i cant go to everylesson! nor can i cancel, so im basically giving 90 pounds to them for free now. i got to make 1 lesson in a week and finidng diffuclt. When i spoke to my instructor he didnt seem to care to much and just went you cant get out of it except if you have an injury or you move house 15 miles or more. so im not sure what to do from this step?

French people onlly?


What's happening with the Khadr trial?

And, why haven't the people running for office in Canada been talking about him and the trumped up charges and upcoming ;kangaroo court"?

Is this a good sub that can hit hard?

will 2 of thes subs hit hard and and make your chest hurt and can be heard bumpping from ouside the car if so what kind of amp should i get to power it?thema href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Alternative To Bank Loans?

Hello my question is this i am rather young but require a bank loan to purchase a business. being young my credit rating obviously isnt very high, so the question is are there any alternative ways i could get the money if i cant get a bank loan or a co-signer to get a bank loan ?

Is there any good Mobile / PDA repair shop in N. Bangalore?

Is there any good Mobile / PDA repair shop in N. Bangalore preferably North Bangalore? I am looking for a good shop to repair my O2 Exec PDA

Suggestions for good books please!?

Book Theif by Markus Zusak.. best book ive ever read its a bit big but i cried so much at the end...

I recently submitted a resume via e-mail, and was informed it had improper spacing, why is that?

What likely happened is that somehow all the spaces between words disappeared and it was too bothersome for them to read it.

This qoute,"Wearing shiny Sunday shoes without socks"- Can't this also be seen as symbolism?

I'm not familiar with the work, but the quote on its own, even out of context, makes me think of the fact that we can do whatever we want for appearance's sake (shiny shoes), but it doesn't change what we really are inside (without socks). Get my meaning?

I have Ray Rice, Micheal Turner, and Darren McFadden as RB's. Who would you start next week?

Im having a hard time deciding who to start this week due to last week being an upset for me. I started both Ray Rice and Michael Turner but both did absolutly nothing for me. Darren Mcfadden was a bench player for me scoring twice as much and both players! All my Runningbacks are Michael Turner, Ray Rice, Joseph Addai, and Darren Mcfadden. Let me know what you think right now im highly considering Ray Rice and Darren Mcfadden due to Oakland playing Rams.

Has Anyone Really Looked at Al Gore's Global Warming Data?

I looked at the data, not Al Gore's data, but the real data taken and published by real scientists (as opposed to a failed politician) and I find a large number of discrepencies that cannot be explained by current theories and models. Thus, I am still undecided.

K9 Bluecoat filter is in fact the antichrist, how do i get past it? Im in the military and want to check email

Im deployed and the damn computer wont let me check my myspace, ive never seen anything like it. Please help me

Complementary angle? supplementary angle?

Lol I could not answer that for my life.... I want he answer so I'll star it.....I no complementary=90• and supplamentary=180•

New gaming headset...?

Not the Turtle Beaches. I have them right now and a lot of it is bzzzzzzz POP bzzzzzz POP when you are talking aonline

How can a god be hungry?

Well, God was in a human body. He just kept his divinity and ability to do miracles. To die and fulfill Scripture, he had to be human because God cannot die. So hunger comes with being human.

How good would my pc be?

Looks pretty good, little light on the video power with the 9800 GT but it'll do just fine. I would personally try for a GTX 275 or an HD 4890 but if you can't then the 9800 GT will serve you well.

Why do many evangelical churches accuse the Catholic Church of teaching contrary to the Bible...?

Because the Catholic Bible has a lot of unnecessary history within it so protestants took it out considering it was not essential and coherent to the rest of the bible.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Standard Reduction Potential?

The Sn half-cell portion of the cell voltage is 0.48V-0.34V = 0.14V. But in your reaction, Sn is being oxidized. You have to change the sign to get the reduction potential. The (Sn2+/Sn) standard reduction potential is -0.14V. If you look it up, you will find that value.

Who saw the judge judy about the iPhone?

those two girls go to my school, i was at that pool party. the person sueing (jen schrimp) is a beezy, she lied majorly. she had a bathing suit on and she was already wet, ashley didnt see the phone, and it was just ashley reciprocating, jen had pushed her in earlier! i saw the whole thing. besides it didnt even matter who won, they both ended up gettin more than enough money to get new iphones just by going on the show. i dont understand why they needed to take it to court tv either, like our community is pretty well off, i know jens family is. she didnt need the money, seriously it was 400 bucks!! thoughts?

Anyone know of a file preview capability in windows explorer?

In an old version of windows there was a very cool utility (I believe it was actually freeware) that allowed you to preview files specifically .doc & .xls files in windows explorer without opening them up with the application. It was an extremely useful in cleaning up old or obsolete files. Does anyone know of a similar capability or function that is available for XP and Vista?

Whats your opinion of Joe Webb?

I dont know much about Webb except that he looked awful last week against the Giants. My WRs are Boldin,Sidney Rice,Jacoby Jones and Joe Webb who qualifies as QB/WR in my league.If Favre starts Im starting Boldin and Rice. But if Webb starts Im planning on using Boldin and Webb. Do you think Webb is capable of getting at least 10 to 15 points this week against Chicago?


ok well i went to my sisters house after a party and my brother in law invited two cousin and the guy i like...let name the cousin FY And the other guy DG well after a night of FIFA with the sister and her husband went to sleep and then my cousin fell asleep while me and DG were watching a movie...we turned the movie off and then we started to get on myspace and i started talking with him and fixing stuff for him and we just talked and played with my ipod and like being close and it was really nice for me and we ended up staying up pretty late til like 4 or 5 am and then he fell asleep so then around 8 am FY woke us up with a loud sound so we both jumped up and stayed awake from there bcuz well it was no use so him and my cousin started joking around and then there was this big game coming up so like alot of people were getting there and i was sitting on the couch and then it was my bby niece on my lap and then my cousin and other cousin and him and before they got there he was right there next to me playing with my niece while i was just like glancing at him and then when my other cousins came...he would ask me --r u ready-- like for the game and all so then i would just laugh and giggle and then i had to go to another room to take care of my niece and then one of my girl cousins came and then her sister and then he came and was there but then i had to leave and he said he was gonna go to the gym and my cousins said theyll go with him and he asked me if i was gonna go and then i said no i was gonna fix some things for him and all and like i put like things on his myspace from me and then later on before we went to the pool he erased what i put and put something else and i was like watever just oh well and then we went to the pool and sometimes he would swim to me and sometimes he would pay attention to something else and at the end i didnt get a goodbye hug and i was really sad cuz i wasnt gonna see him for a looong time and apart from that i didnt wanna say bye to a good day we had...and sometimes when i go to his house his with other ppl and all of a sudden he comes to me and starts talking to me and smiling and laughing and then he leaves..i really dont know what to do cuz i just wanna know if theres something there bcuz if there isnt i wanna stop trying...

Do Evangelicals support feminism ?

Evangelicals support all different kinds of stuff. I am one. I do not mind feminism as long as she can't kill an innocent baby (in my eyes). It is not wrong for women to have power. It is dangerous for women to have no restraints. Men have many. Woman are more subtle and more manipulative. We need to understand the strengths of men and women and raise them to control their individual evils.

WR starter - Steve Smith(NYG), TJ Houshmanzadah or Mario Manningham?

You have to take Steve Smith just because he's cemented himself as the number one receiver in New York. Houshmanzadah has really underwhelmed this season and you could argue that he has a good match-up. But if you take that stance, you can't argue that going against Oakland isn't a good match-up.

Danny Granger and Marcus Camby or Sheed and Kevin Durant? Which Combo is better?

well it depends if its for fantasy then its sheed and durant, if it's for a video game granger and camby

Kindly tell me how to download ali zafar's song.(sajaniya)?

my second ques. is that that tell me how to p time now-a-days because my exams r over and i have 23 days holiday.kindly don't say that join any type of course

Can your rapid ELISA test come back reactive if you had mononucleosis 6 months ago?

Six months ago I had unprotected with a male. Two weeks later I got chills, a fever, swollen lymph nodes, and headaches. To say the least I thought I had strep throat. Come to find out after visiting my doctor I had mononucleosis. After researching the disease I have found out that mono and HIV have the same exact symptoms. Just recently I tested reactive on my rapid ELISA test. I am now waiting for my confirmatory results and I am a wreck. I'm so nervous. Is it possible that my mono and my recent dose of the swine flu vaccine contributed to the reactive state? Or is my outlook grim?

....U're very lucky...!!?

It's easy to go from the italian answer to the USA answer and read about american people...but now i'm here,in italy and not in new york or in L.A...I know Italy it's a beautiful country but i'd really like to live in America...maybe because i saw to much sitecom like friends,the O.C,gossip girl etc...i'don't know but it's my dream...the question for you who live in USA is:what's your opinion of living in the United States (or california)....??????....sorry if i made grammatical mistakes but i' italian and i'm 16....bye bye from Italy.....

About Law (Missouri and United States Constitutions)?

Under the Preamble to the Missouri constitution, the people of Missouri, have profound reverence for the

What to do if exposed to MRSA Staph infection?

My 19month granddaughter, who lives with us, was just diagnosed with MRSA. She had 2 large boils on her bottom that had to be drained. We have a large extended family, including elderly, living in our home. Should everyone be tested. My mom, has a permanent trache. Is she more at risk than others? I have cleaned thoroughly, but do not know how to proceed. If we are carriers, can we reinfect my granddaughter?

Good looking teams?

The Lakers are first, followed by the Rockets, and the Celtics being 3rd. The Blazers and Heat are good on paper, but it doesn't mean they're gonna do good on the court. do I ask this without sounding racist...oh well?

do you think it's fair for some white people to say they have nothing "culturally" in common with a black person? I don't b/c I am starting to see that cutlurally/socially, we COULD have a lot in common, but I was not fortunate enough to be exposed to those things. For instance, I am learning to snowboard at 21 only b/c it's free at my college, otherwhise I realize it's a damn expensive sport! No wonder I only see whites at the slopes they're willing and most likely have the means to pay for rentals, season p, snowboard goggles, helmet, jacket, boots, and blah blah blah....i'm already racking up over $300 on damn gear! It's ridiculous all in the name of "exercise and recreation?" I just find it unfair, b/c many people of color could be great at these things, but if they don't have the means nor opportunity to learn at 5 years old, how do you expect them to be "culturally similar!" Another example, I wanted to take piano and gymnastic lessons, but couldn't afford it, while all the white girls at my school were in everything and this is how they become olympians...they have the OPPORTUNITY

Will it be an exciting derby between Abu Dhabi United and Abu Dhabi City this season?

I'm sorry, I mean Manchester United and Manchester City.....I don't know where I got Abu Dhabi from, my mind must be playing tricks on me.

Are Haitians black, or at least of African origin?

I was randomly looking at pictures of people from Haiti and they look black to me, rather than some kind of native indigenous people of Mongoloid origin, like the Indians, Aztecs, Incas, Mayas, etc. But basically, did these people come from Africa? Or are they mixed with native Haitian descent? And if either, were they slaves? Because I had never heard that there was slavery in Haiti. I know there was all over the New World, but Haiti, I know nothing about. Anyway, please provide me with some links if you know of any. This could be a very interesting subject. Thank you and God bless.

What do you think will happen?

So me and my friend(both under 21) were drunk at our college and decided to steal one of those mats that goes in like restaurants. Stupid, i know! Someone working there ran after us and brought us back though. Earlier in the night I was at a frat, and took some of their mail as a joke, and scared of the police coming tried to dispose of it. REALLLLY stupid i know! This is all going to student judicial affairs now. The cops said a range of things could happen, and i dont know if they were trying to scare us or not when they said I could get kicked out..but it worked! What do you think will happen?

Which is the world's most annoying accent (I mean really..freaking annoying)?

I'm not sure what others opinion is but to me, the most annoying accent in the world is NOT Indian accent but MALAY accent. You should listen to some of their local politician speaking in English over the Malaysian press. They speak like they are completely drained of energy, like a freaking vampire had sucked their life out from every fibre of their body and their tongue weigh 150Kg.. and when you can't get what they are trying to say, they'd make it sound like they are frustrated of you not understanding them.

Ideas for filling the bottom of a fence gap for a dog?

I have a neighboring fence with a 2”-6” gap at the base on the backside of my yard. I’m installing a fence for my dog and need an idea on how to fix this. The fence isn’t mine, and they won’t pay to fix it, or let me fix it. He’s a big dog, 70+ lab mix. He’s not outside long by himself, but I don’t want him getting underneath quickly and taking off if he sees something. It stretches about 60 feet across the back with that varying gap. I don’t want to double up the fence, that might look a bit dumb. Ideas?

The Dark Knight!!!?

Will you be gonig to seethe dark knight beacuse you are a fan or because it is Heath Ledgers (God rest his soul) last movie?

What happened on One Tree Hill ?!!?!?

I am so bummed that I had to miss the premeire of OTH Season 5! I have satelite and it doesn't have the CW. Does anyone know where I can see it online? If not, could you guys please explain everything that happened. I would appreciate it so much! =]

Which was more outrageous: Rahm Emanuel talking about not letting "a crisis to go to waste"? Or...?

Or Donald Rumsfeld, Cheney and Paul Wolfowitz calling for "a new Pearl Harbor" to justify "the removal of Saddam Hussein's regime from power"?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

See, I have this plot...?

Try not to let your heart grow to 10 times its usual size when you are close to completing your mission.

Why would the states and the UN sit back and laugh at us?

President JZ and ANC YOUTH LEAGUE LEADER JULIUS MALEMA are the laughing stock of the globe, if malema becomes president were are heading the exact same rout zimbabwe has ended up, and the likes of uganda, somalis, serria leonne, etc... history repeats itself. I'M afraid it seems were sre heading into a dictatorship, honestly, this country I was once so proud of, is now a country which I am actually quite despondant to speak about... So why does everyone sit back and do nothing about it???

If the Da Vinci Code by Dan brown is a book of fiction,why do some people believe it to be accurately factual?

is it possible that if they were born into a Christian family they would believe the bible as easily as they do with the Da Vinci Code?

I love shy girls! But none are at my school or near me :(?

I love shy girls like hinata from naruto; they're so cute, and they love romance and snuggling that kind of stuff. Someone help me all the girls at my school are slurry s or just ugly, none are beautiful and shy :'(

RHH: Do you look for enlightenment in hip hop?

Sometimes, and songs that do have that are "better" I'd say, but I don't think necessarily more enjoyable.

Help getting a dog?????????????????

K, so my parents finally let me get a dog, but im not sure which breed to get. Either, the German Shepherd, Czechoslovakian wolfdog, Great Dane, and there was this other dog that looked like a Czechoslovakian wolfdog but it was black, i have never seen a black one. Which do u think? If age matters then im the youngest, 16.

Help Writing a poem??

You can start off your poem with a simile or a metaphor. For instance, "love is like the moonlight shining upon your face" or "you are my world in which I live, my air in which I breathe, and my earthly path in which I walk". Reach deep down and express what love means and feels like to you. Examine life and its surroundings and form an expression.

Can I hit someone first in a fight if....?

Pushing qualifies under the law as ault. If there was physical contact prior to you throwing the punch then he will share part of the blame for the confrontation. Based on your description it sounds like you're a minor so the worst that's likely to happen is you'll both be charged with misdemeanor ault and sentenced to community service. If your family is well to do then you can get a lawyer to petition the court to have your records sealed once you turn 18.

Deployed Soldier?

I am currently stationed in Iraq, but part of my group is moving to Kuwait. I have the option to go with them or stay here. If I move, I will have my own private room and other privileges that will help me enjoy my life while I am deployed. I came here to do my job, BUT as human beings, we also like to have a good time whenever is possible (after duty hours, of course). I met a beautiful female here and although I am not planning to marry any of the female soldiers, I am feeling attached to her. She is gorgeous! Should I stay or should I move?

Why Is It That The Only Democrat Who Owns A Gun Doesn't Know How To Do So Responsibly?

You really need help. Why is every question an alarmist partisan thing with you? You're going to give yourself cancer...

Why have gas prices skyrocketed over the past few months?

Over the last 10 years, gas prices increased an average of 22%. Since April 2007, it has increased 25% and is up 31% in the last few months. I have heard different arguments about keeping up with inflation, fuel efficient vehicles, refining techniques, etc; but I think $4 per gallon gas is absurd. And why aren't the presidential candidates doing something to at least slow it down?

What in the heck should I do with a bunch of inherited medical machines?

Give them to me... no, contact a university or a hospital near you and see if they can use them or dispose of them. You technically could make a lot of money, but it would be better for the machines to go to a good cause.

I designed this bathing suit! Do you like it?

Yeah! It's very summery. I like the colors and is like a paradise in a bikini. Very beautiful! Congratulations! Oh!, I voted for it. Hope you win!

Is affirmative action fair?

Does it really promote racial equality, or does it just create more racial-based tension in the United States?

Why does my leg ache when i sleep on it?

There are veins that run through your body that supply oxygen to your muscles and when these veins are suppressed or unable to supply the necessary oxygen to your legs or any place in your body, the muscles tighten up and you get a cramp, tingling or pain in that part of your body. You say that straightening your legs helps, because this permits the flow of oxygen to your muscles. Try sleeping with a small pillow between your knees, and see if that helps.

Problem with

Do not mix lotion, baby powder an perfume all together, that would be way over powering..put either or...put on lotion before you put on your leggings, and just put perfume on your neck after....or just get another pair of tights that arent so hard to get on.

Wedding eye make up help....... ?

There is a product called dermablend.I've seen that do wonders on people. But it is very heavy and if you don't buy the setting powder with it, it will be all over your dress.Congradulations and enjoy your day.

Smackdown vs. Raw 2009 roster?

nobody knows the whole roster,but its probably going to be the same as svr 2008 ,but with new divas,more legends,i hear you can unlock hornswoggle to.

Do you think that Harold Camping will have a lot of hate mail on Sunday?

They Should Take This Corny Oldman With Dementia And Place Him In a Nursing Home. He's Getting To Annoying To Handle.

Brit on hols in Kissimee Florida... help!?

Hi guys, Im out here on hols with the family and was wondering if anyone could tell me where the best place to shop for clothes in the area is, not looked yet but wanted to pick up some stuff cheap for the kids and hubby as they dont last 2 minutes with them.... any advice on where to go in the area? Thanks x

Dive-Bombing Birds: When and How to Avoid Them?

The birds know what they are doing, they really aren't going to make contact with you/ They are using scare tactics, relax and stay away from the nests.

I'll be in London for a month only and need help with transport info?

I don't think I'll be using tube or bus every single day but often so i want to know what kind of oyster will be appropriate. i.e: how much will i be charged if i make two journeys one day. whats is that daily capping thing? Also, would it be better to get payg with maybe �40 and buy single tickets to go from and to heathrow? pls help

97 prelude white smoke?

yeah i have a 97 honda prelude and its blowing out white smoke from the taill pipe only at a stop and go such as the smoke is stuck in the muffler and as i take off it blows it out i got it checked out at like 4 different shops and they dont know whats wrong with it if i gas it to like 1 in a half thousand rpm it does not smoke at all but if i was to be idleing for like a minute or so then take off its a big cloud off white smoke but as driveing it does not smoke i know that cause i let someone drive my car as i follow them on the streets and the highway if anyone have the same problem or have any idea wats wrong with it please let me know thanks

How do i get back into athletics?

when i was about 12 i used to do run on the track during the summer and id do cross country during the winter..i was pretty good at it too..i started when i was 8 and gave up when i was 17 now and i really want to get back into..ive lost all of my fitness so how can i build it up again as fast as i can?? and also should i go on a special diet??what do you recomend eating and not eating??how often should i train and how long should i run for my age??im a girl by the way..thanks in advance..:)x

How can you repair a reinforced concrete slab?

if it is a section of a pour. rent a walk behind masonry saw and cut a square. jack hammer out the bad section. drill the existing slab every 2 feet to accept the new re-bar. leave a foot of re-bar sticking out of every hole on both ends of the slabs.tie wire your new re-bar to these slab with concrete matching the old specs...

The bible says that the Antichrist will be different then the many kings that came before him,Is it Obama?

I do not think it's Obama but I do believe that he could be a player in getting the stage set and ready for him. H.Kissinger has already called for Obama to institute the one world order and be voted in as ruler of it. I think the antichrist will be a lot more subtle, and crafty. Although obama does share a lot of the characteristics that the Bible mentions, it also says he will be clever enough that he will fool even the very elect of the church(people like Billy Grahm and John Hagee). While obama has fooled alot of people there are some of us that see him clearly.

Is there a monarchy in the philippines?

No, this is a frequent source of confusion because, the heir to the house of Romanoff is resident there.

Summary Websites?

does anyone know any websites that tell the summary of a book? It has to be a website that has the book ''the rain ascends''.

My friend wants out of the Army Reserve. Is that possible?

They enlisted around the same time I did. However, they do not want to stay in. I am disappointed, but have no say in teh matter. I know the Army Reserve is not in the DEP (delayed entry program), but is there still a way my friend can back out of their contrack before their ship date?

CA has another budget crisis. Teachers Union is mad. Check out the picture. Is this going too far?

No, it isn't. Why are conservatives so threatened by the thought of educated children? My guess is that they fear smart kids will turn away from their foolish ideology in droves.

What is a good bday present?

My friend (Kristen) is 12 turning 13. She has basically made me into a better person and turned me away from the wrong crowd (as in stupid immature people) in the past few months. We've become really close since then and her birthday is July 3rd. I've been kinda last minute but what could I give her? Iwant to give her something good but her parents are divorced so she has like everything. Also, she's rich and I'm not. My mom is a single mother struggling for money right now. She's getting a ajob soon but still, it doesn't make much of a a difference. She loves music, singing, DANCING, being random, 80's stuff, the store claire's, the store joyce leslie, the store delia's and is very outgoing. She also loves candy! Very awesome person, everyone is friends with her, nice can be snappy but she's goping through a hard time right now ('Rents). I really want to give her somthing special but don't know what. Oh, and wants to be in the fashion industry, she has a model body (Idk if tht helps)

How to get that gorgeous cly sweet style? ?

Maybe some red (or another color) flats and a nice black cardigan sweater can keep it cly but give it the youth you need at your age.

Question about generator size to power a home?

I have a 5000/4000 continuous run taking care of my furnace,basement lights,fridge,lights & tv upstairs and used it many times and am happy. when I replace it I'll go with 5000 continuous because I like having more than I actually need and electric start which I suggest you get. I highly suggest you get a transfer switch for your set up for safety reasons and convenience , don't let anyone talk you out of it ,It is the safest and smartest way. talk to a electrician If he says you don't need one get another electrician.

Is anyone aware how many calories are in a VEX Hard Lemonade bottle? ?

This information is not provided anywhere, not even on the main VEX website. As I very much care about nutritional info pertaining to food/drinks I ingest, I would appreciate an answer....I drink this beverage all the time!

Mobile Suit Gundam SEED: The Movie?

i heard that there will be a movie of gundam seed anime series set sometime after the most recent series Gundam SEED Destiny. They also release a brief teaser trailer of it. May i know where i can see or download the trailer??

Don;t you just hate arguing with people who know nothing about basketball ( read description)?

I try not to argue with people who don't watch basketball. Just a waste of words. These people are ignorant and try to make themselves correct without giving any plausible arguments. The hand-check rule would make some shooting guards lame. Although it is possible to make an argument that todays era is harder. Lebron James and Dwyane Wade aren't average players. Neither was Shaq. The most dominating center of all time. Its best not to argue era because neither side will ever agree.

Fantasy Football - RB & WR injuries. Who should I keep? I need roster spots.?

for your team its probably safe to cut rivers if you only start one QB because ben already had a bye. if you dont want to though you could probably cut sammy morris

Im looking for a church with these qualities, what do you think?

Actually, I would recommend the church that I am a member of! It meets all six of your criteria. It's called the Journey and has three churches in metro New York City and one in San Francisco. Email me if you want more information.

Monday, August 8, 2011

10 points for honest answer?

In my opinion he is very very cunning and u should take a special care before making any commitment to him in ur personal and professional career as wel. I have found a lot of cheaters in my career and personal life and any kind of flatering language specially " dear " starts alrming in my mind. Changing nature of any individual is alarming.

Can you help me? Friend issue, i'm confused and lost.?

everybody goes thru changes, friends come and go, it is your time to move group dear, take this new group by force, be their friend and leave the haters by the wayside

Good Stereo/ Speakers?

I love the Coby CX-CD377 Micro CD Stereo System if you talk about CD playing stereo sound systems, but for a radio it completely loses the contest to many other radio sets and even radio alarm clocks in the market. Nevertheless, since this is a CD player and its stereo is for that purpose, I rate the Coby CX-CD377 a 7 out of 10. I wouldn't recommend it to someone who wants the radio feature more, but for those who want a slick CD player stereo, I would give a two thumbs-up go signal for you to get this.

Do you think i can sue a guy who film in a minor even tough he is a minor?

Major reason why children should not have , but beyond this, you need to inform your parents because regardless if you consented or not, odds are you CAN press charges against him even IF he is only 16 depending on where you live. If he taped you giving him a BJ and shows anyone else he is also guilty of a crime, called child . Honestly, it sounds as if you would be better off moving.

What did my gf mean by this?

so i told her some mean things and then today she texed me sayin 'get well soon'?? im not sick at least to my knowledge

Any Good Animal Abuse Quotes?

I am looking for good animal abuse/cruelty quotes to put on facebook. Anti Ugg would be great too i dont want anything too long so maybe like a paragraph or less.

How can a Christian be against welfare, universal health care and services for those less fortunate in need?

The teachings of Jesus are clear. He said the poor would be with us always...and when we do for those who have lest, we do for him also. I ask this question because the current rhetoric in our country (USA) seems so contrary to what Jesus taught, but these same individuals invoke the name of Jesus and call themselves Christians! They do not love "their brothers" as themselves and want tax breaks for the wealthiest, while Jesus said to give to Caesar (the government) what is Caesar's (money). Being a believer in the teachings of Jesus and trying to spread love and compion vexes my Spirit, when I encounter, what I perceive to be hypocrites! Jesus also said that we are to judge the tree by the fruits it bears. For a "good" tree cannot bear "bad" fruit and a "bad" tree cannot bear "good" fruit. When I look at the discord and hatred that emits from some of the Tea Party movement members, some of the right-wing, conservatives, extremists and religious zealots, I see a tree that bears the fruits of separatism, hatred, selfishness,control,murder, destruction and anger. I cry through tears of both sadness and anger. I pray and ask God to forgive them "for they know not what they do." Other times I ask for God to smite them as David did. Our country (and the world) is on the brink of a civil, religious and revolutionary war, because we have not followed the gentle teachings of Jesus, Buddha or the Hindus. These three principals came with a similar message... Love,Hope and Faith. Not through threat of death if you didn't worship as they did, or place themselves on pedestals, or evoke war and deceit against infidels, but in practice of loving our human family, for there is but one race on this planet...the human race. I only ask this from individuals that believe in God, a Creator or Spiritual aspects. I would appreciate if those who do not espouse to such ideas not to respond. You certainly are entitled to your opinions and I would fight to defend them. I am not a religious person, for I do not believe in the "dogma," rituals and hiding of knowledge that has divided us, but I am Spiritual. I am not here to convert anyone, so therefore I ask for the same respect. I hope for humankind, that we will go beyond ourselves for answers. Outside of our needs for so much, our need for power or the need to be worshiped or admired. For with great power, comes great responsibility. That we are our "brothers keepers." That somehow we will understand that we are all family and must depend upon one another for the small and great things. I hope that we will not continue down this path of darkness we have chosen....I hope...I pray...I want to believe.

There no real threat to The Monarchy, is there?

It goes without saying, supposedly, that socialism is opposed to monarchy in principle. In practice, however, British Labour leaders have been famous for their love of the reigning monarch, while it is a cliche that French socialists suffer from Napoleonic visions of the importance of la France and to observe that Lenin and Stalin reproduced Tsarist absolutism would barely warrant a prize for received ideas. Despite such example s, there is no general overview of the relationship between socialism and hereditary power in Europe.

A question for liverpool fans mainly............?

well thats all liverpool bark on about is history its so annoying and boring!! just because you can never win the preimer league.

Can you yze this short poem for me?

To me this poem represents the power of the Lord and how when we try to do things in our own strength we put the Lord in a position where our own free will can lead us into the fires of hell but when we lean on Christ things are as they should be and - paradise is the reward.

What is the perfect farewell present for my sis who's going to study abroad?

my sis is going to study abroad for an undergraduate program. she's 18 now. i want to give her a farewell present but i don't have any idea on what should i buy.. it must be useful and not using too many space as there may not be enough place to keep it in her luggage. so, any ideas? don't mind about money.

Can Mitt Romney find Landscapers that aren't illegal immigrants?

After Romney finds himself being a hypocrite after he attacked guilliani, will his lawn ever look the same? Gee, I wonder who works inside his mansion.


I've heard so many versions of the half-a-brain joke, and I still think it's hilarious. You know what's more hilarious? You typing "lembeau filed".

Christians of all kinds: what does this Bible verse mean to you?

Blessed re-urance that He is there for us is my take on that. Do you have the verse so I can look at the context of before and after the verse?

Could someone cite these sources MLA-style for me?

you probably shouldn't cite wikipedia, find some of the sites that they use for sorces, and use them im not doing your homework for you, but this shows you how to do it:a href="" rel="nofollow"

Guy Help [Short and Easy Points]?

yes u need to tell him u like him..but hell no dont blame it on the meds lol...guys like that kinda thing...we would way rather a girl just come out and say it rather than hint around to it...and yes he likes you...if he didnt like u then he wouldnt talk 2 u on im everytime u get on..if he didnt like u he wldnt have asked who u like....but tell him u like him and dont blame it on the meds lol

What do you think of my fantasy football draft?

I like the look of this crew....Shaub is gonna be a straight up star, and I'm hoping Arian Foster breaks out like he's supposed to (I drafted him too!) Knox is gonna be big for my Bears in that new offense.

Any more info regarding heavy computer use and glaucoma?

Everything I have found is just another retelling of that same study, even in trade publications....sorry I can't be of more help.

82' Ford F-250 not running smooth. Engine stalls in idle...HELP!!!?

Just picked up an old 82' Ford F-250, Everything looks great but it keeps stalling on me as it either sits in idle or I change from drive to reverse or vice versa. I am very "vehicle illiterate". Any ideas for me??? Thanks for your time...B

Has Kieth Olbermann ever invited someone to his show who disagrees with him?

I watched an interview wih him n CNN last weekend. He was asked wy he dosen't have opposing points of view on. Response was " Why?, All it does is turn into an argument." Translation, I do not want any one on that will make me look and sound more like a ponpous a**.

Can I encourage my puppy to stay acting like one as she gets older?

We got our new baby yesterday-a gorgeous 2 pound 4 ounce, 9 week old Pomchi (yes, yes, I know it's a mix, which was why we wanted one). She is lovely and sweet and cuddly and rambunctious and crazy and hilarious, even highly intelligent, all wrapped up into one, and I can't get over how perfect she is. I was thinking what a shame it was that the puppy phase is so brief, and was wondering if I could encourage her to keep her puppy attitude by continuing to try to get her to play in the same ways, stuff like that. Her pom mother and chi father are both very lovey and playful.

Multiple monitor question?

Is it true that you must use either a dual output video card or multiple video cards when configuring a Windows XP Professional machine to support multiple monitors. Windows XP Professional provides native support for multiple monitors running on ISA, PCI, and AGP display adapters?

Help, cut on nipple and it stays erect.. ?

i suggest neosporin, i understand you dont have any but that is the only thing that will help you in this case-you have a cut in a very sensitive spot

Sunday, August 7, 2011

What is a good time for exercise to help me to loose weight?

I'm 17 years old and i want to loose 15 kgs. Is it good to exercise in the afternoon after school and not in the morning before going to school ?

Do U.S. Evangelicals accept the development of nylon-digesting bacteria as example of an "information gain"...?

I don't think creationists know the first thing about biology and evolution so they have no idea what you're talking about.

If I want to get sponsered in snowboarding in the next 2 years what should I learn what should I be able to do?

I am 13 years old I can do a 360 and a 180 and a indy and method i can ride pipe but only do grabs of it and i can ride almost anything in the park what should i do if i want to get sponsered.

What type of degree/college would I need to get a career like this?

If you own a degree - or any alternative qualification - then you'll already be in advace of of the bunch when it comes to searching for jobs. My mate has a degree and he wasn't certain what direction to go with it, but he discovered some great guidance on the site in the resource box below which guided him to settle that he wanted to be a lab istant. There is loads of help on the site regarding alternative jobs.

Removing ending characters of a String in C?

Just copy the first 511 chars and put the null terminator in the last position, ie, index of 511 since indices start at 0.

Should I Or Should I Not?

There is this boy that I think likes me and I like him but he already has a girlfriend. But he usually flirts with me on the bus or in homeroom. Should I tell him I like him because then his girlfriend might get mad at me but it's not my fault he flirts with me. And anyways, if he doesn't like me, then thats ok.

At the end of Inception, is Leonardo DiCaprio still dreaming or not?

I want to believe that he isn't dreaming, but his kids are still in the same clothes and it doesn't let you see if the top falls or not.

Are there products to lower nitrites, if not please tell me how to lower them best!!!?

The absolute best product? It comes from a tap and is called water. If you're getting readings of nitrites it's for two reasons - your tank is having a cycle outbreak or you're quite simply not exchanging enough water. Chances are it's a combination of both. Snake oil won't fix it - only time and due diligence can account for repairing it.

Wrestlemania 25 predictions?

i don't know everything, but I've some good predictions about the match with the hardys. It's either going to be a ladder/ tlc match between them, or it would be matt hardy & Edge vs. Jeff Hardy & Christian in a tlc match.

What is an acronym for the word fabulous that describes an all girl group?

Its for a group of girls. I need the acronym to have synonyms for hope, love, youth, and growth. I needs to be positive

What did you think of McCain on SNL last night?

I am an Obama supporter, but I gotta give it to McCain, he was freaking hilarious.....I must say he was a pretty good sport.

Materials science problem?

The support force is a red herring. You calculate the specific strength, i.e. Strength-to-density ratio.

Tips for making my computer run faster?

lol it goes really slow, im wondering if my firewall is making some of the problem.. capfasem or whatever.. as far as i know .. to me .. it looks like its saying its using like 90-99% of my cpu all the time.. i lowered the priority.. is that bad lmao? hlp any ideaz plz

Do you think they had a different dog every Beethoven movie?

I mean they did do it a little far you think like the dogs died after every movie so they had to get more and more dogs?

Does vomit bother you? Wimpy husbands?

hehehe wanna get your husband good? go tell him "hey theres this chick on Y! who just told me her son threw up in her husbands mouth one time and it was too fast for him to spit it out so he wound up swallowing it." yep totally true, he was holding my son up in the air above his head and GAG there it went right down the hatch, my husband handed the baby to me and said "i gotta brush my tonsils" which he did for about five minutes. he laughed about it but still thot it was pretty disgusting. but yah vomit doesnt bother me or my hubbs normally, except it did me when i was pregnant.

I need help with a biology question.?

Describe the role of membranes in the synthesis of ATP in both cellular respiration and photosynthesis. Be sure to discuss the similarities between the two.

A Question About Those Rare But Magical String Plucking Moments in Clical Music?

I'm surprised that none of the learned answerers have yet mentioned what I think is the most famous use of pizzicato. That is the scherzo of Tchaikovsky's 4th symphony. The whole movement is pizzicato.

Can the lawyers still go after my ets if I have closed down my company?

I was in a car accident and I was at fault. The other guy was injured pretty good. I had insurance and they covered as much as they could on my policy. The problem is the car itself was registered under my Dad's company. It wasn't a company car though. Now they are going after the company. At the time of the accident the company was a partnership, but now they switched it to an LLC. The company doesn't really make any money anymore. What will happen if we just close down the company.

What's the likely hood of us haning out together?

on a stormy day in Sri Lanka with the trix rabbit after we all escaped an insane asylum because some big man named Molly threatened us with a needle. In which we got on a greyhound bus later and played cards with retired nurses?

Help with microsoft word 2007?

i have an essay due tomorrow and it keeps underlining everything in red! and i spelled it write! for ex. if i write anybody it underlines it red. if i write evaluative it underlines it wrong! but if i write just one letter such as a, x, c, etc. it doesnt underline it. how can i know im spelling the words right? it has to be a long essay, and im not the BEST speller, and i dont really have time to read it over and over. im also a fast typer! and im only 11. please help! i also dont understand what could be wrong! its a 2007 version!

Martial Arts for me?

I'm still looking for a martial art, but I don't know still. I want to participate in tournaments that have forms like Northern Wushu, but also I want to be in sparring tournaments like Kick Boxing or TaekwonDo. I trying to find a good school, and I found a kung fu school I like, but the problem is that I think that they emphasize mostly forms and flashy movements and not sparring or practical combat. What I want is something with good forms (but not overdone like Norhtern Shaolin that doesnt seem very practical at all) and also something that emphasizes kickboxing or sparring and can be used in a reall fight situation

VERONICA MARS- best show ever?

I am one of those heartbroken ppl to know that the CW axed this great show to give way to some crappy Doll show. I wanna know what ur gonna miss most about this show

What is the minimum amount of time required to cook a roast in a slow cooker?

I just put a small beef roast (about a pound) on to cook in my crock pot. I have it set on high, what is the minimum number of hours it will take to cook completely?

Are non-dividing cells just permanently in G1 phase?

One ysis question in AP Biology Lab 3 (mitosis/meiosis) is killing me. "If your observations had not been restricted to the area of the root tip that is actively dividing, how would your results have been different?" We examined an onion root tip under a light microscope, and saw cells in (mostly) interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. If another part of the onion was examined (so the cells wouldn't be actively dividing), would all of the cells be in interphase?

Why did thousands of shias defend israel ?

i already knew that shais love the jews, they only hate the sunnis. ahmadinijad and his cult are only "anti-jew" for show. they have so many synogogues in iran, and no sunni masjids. they murder sunnis in their neighboring countries but can only talk the talk to israel. shias are hypocrites!

Muslims, question about wudu and ghusl?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

TTC - Just a question about my dates?

I had a very regular period as well and my dr. told me to better my chances be sure to have on the 12th, 14th, 16th & 18th day after the first day of your last period. We did it just about every day during that time and I got pg the first try. Good luck.

Should i just intentionally hurt her instead of being nice? Cause being the good guys just not workin out?

alright ive asked this before but didnt get many answers. good guys get NOTHING in the end, and end up being the friend of the girl while the in the corner screws her brains out then cheats on her after going out for a few months, therefore making the poor nice guy have to sit there and listen to her cry and talk about all the bad things he does to her and how he treats her like dirt. then has to try to comfort her and do the best he can to make her feel better. and then a week later u get to watch her go crawlinnn back to the jerk still wearing the bandaids u personally put on her heart. girls always say "i want a nice guy that'll treat me right" but then i see that same girl going out with a guy known to be an a** hole. he can be a total a** to her and she still is hooked. WHY IS THIS. they CRY because of these guys and still are infatuated with them. seriously...this suggests if i just went up to a girl i liked, threw a bow in her face, then laughed at her and made fun of her she'd go out with me (not really but cmon this is BS) please explain because apparently im not making the connection that hurting someone = them liking you in return. HORSE SH*T!

Why do people hate Emo's?

this questions has been asked almost 800 times -- typye hate emos in search for questions and you can read all the reasons right or wrong - as for me i will go on the record once again state i do not!!!

I need Christmas party idea QUICK!!?

WOw your doing a great party and your family will really enjoy it. Take a gift something small diollar store even and wrap it. Or get toliet paper rolls empty ones put candy in the senter wrapp and have with tie with ribbions tghe ends to look like candy. Then you can play p the candy to the music. When the music stop your out. When the last one in gets that gift. Do the game again and again. You can put tiny trinkets or candy. Read them a story about christmas. Draw a christmas tree and make paper candy canes. Play pin the candy cvane on the tree. Have candy canes on the colored on the tree but where the one goes make that the one that is where it goes. Thats a great party., Make finger sandwhiches peanut erand jelly tuna or what ever. Take cookie cutters and have them cut ther favorite cookie out on the bread make two of the same and they can make sandwhices. If you like you make ahead of time. But I think at that age they may like it. Have fun!!! You can tell your a great kid!!

Which enlightenment philosophers influenced John Adams?

The major ones were: Lord Herbert of Cherbury, Voltaire, John Locke, Matthew Tindal, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and Baron de Montesquieu.

LADIES 21-25 YEARS OLD: Would you ever date a guy in his 40s?

If you are, presumably, between the ages of 21 and 25, and you knew a greying, but good looking man in his 40s was interested in you, would you date him? Could you find him physically attractive?

If The dutch -thugs- had won the world cup thank God they did not what would be the future cosequences?

Will the Dutch stop making excuses (the opponent was equally guilty, the ref was biased, we are just playing a defensive style, and so on...), and realize once and for all that this team they have is a disgrace for football ? You guys went from having the most liked football national selection in the world to the most hated now. Are you even aware that most neutral fans are DELIGHTED just to see that your team didn't win ? Don't you see what is the common point between the three last most disgraceful World Cup games in history : Holland-Portugal 2006, Brazil-Holland 2010, and Spain-Holland 2010 ? I'll give you a hint : the same team played in all three of them. But yeah, it must be a coincidence...

Does anyone know the lyrics to the Purple Haze spoof about OSU coach Woody Hayes?

After Woody Hayes' infamous punching of a player on the field, somebody took the Jimi Hendrix clic "Purple Haze" and changed the lyrics to talk about Woody Hayes and his antics. Anyone out there know the lyrics to that song?